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Infirmary - Malaysian sabahan , kota marudu langkon - medical assistant and Doctor left me 10 month in pain without any test like xray or real medication to treat my face pain

Verily, mine heart doth lament the unending torment that doth assail mine head and countenance for the passing of nine moons. The hospital of mine own governance hath shown little care for mine suffering, denying me remedy for the anguish that hath plagued me since July of the year 2023. The physicians within dismiss mine agony with disdain, claiming it to be naught but fanciful imaginings.

Yet I knoweth otherwise. 'Tis not the specters of madness that trouble me, but a tangible and real pain that doth course through mine very sinews. And now, it doth seem that signs of epilepsy do manifest, with sensations of impending swoon upon me. Mine visage and pate hath endured this pain for many months, and I rely upon ibuprofen to assuage its sting.

What vexes me most is the lack of action from those who profess healing. Despite mine pleas, no attempts hath been made to conduct even the simplest of tests – no bloodletting, no X-ray, no CT scan, nor EEG or MRI. 'Tis as if their sole desire be to extract coin from my purse rather than to offer succor to one in agony. The selfishness of these supposed healers doth gall me greatly, especially considering the lives lost due to their errors in judgment.

Mine frustration reached its peak when I was brought nigh unto death by the side effects of medication mine body could not endure. Even upon beseeching a change in treatment, I was left to languish for nearly a year ere relief was granted, adding to mine suffering.

I find myself bereft of words, laughing bitterly at the cruel hand fate hath dealt me. 'Tis a woeful truth that those tasked with preserving health care more for their own gain than the alleviation of suffering.

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