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Eli Eli Lamasabakthani?

Hey there, friends,

I'm reaching out from a place of vulnerability and hope, seeking solace and support in the midst of a challenging journey. For a while now, I've been grappling with intense pain—both physical and emotional—that has turned my world upside down.

It's a battle that has taken me to the depths of despair and pushed me to the brink of my strength, but it's also a journey that has revealed the resilience of the human spirit and the power of community.

Let me paint you a picture of what I'm facing. It's not just the pain coursing through my nerves and the relentless ache in my head and face—it's the uncertainty, the fear of the unknown, that adds another layer to this already complex puzzle.

Every day feels like an uphill climb, with moments of respite few and far between. I find myself confined to my bed, grappling with the physical limitations imposed by this relentless pain. Simple tasks become Herculean feats, and the weight of it all threatens to crush me.

But amidst the darkness, there are glimmers of hope. It's in the unwavering support of loved ones, the comforting presence of friends who stand by my side through it all, that I find the strength to keep going. And it's in the power of prayer, in the collective energy of kind souls who lift me up in their thoughts and intentions, that I find a sense of peace amidst the storm.

On April 24th, I have a pivotal appointment with a neurology physician—a beacon of hope in this journey towards understanding and healing. And on April 29th, I'll be undergoing a brain scan at Queen Elizabeth hospital, another step towards unraveling the mystery of this pain.

But beyond the medical appointments and the tests lies a deeper truth—that healing is not just a physical process, but a holistic journey of body, mind, and spirit. It's about finding strength in vulnerability, resilience in the face of adversity, and hope in the darkest of moments.

So, as I navigate this path towards healing, I invite you to walk alongside me. Your prayers, —they all mean more to me than words can express.

With love and gratitude,

 엘리야 Eliyahu Ezra 

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