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It is possible to hold classical Arminian beliefs without also being a charismatic. The charismatic movement is unsupported by scripture or even heretical.

It is possible to hold classical Arminian beliefs without also being a charismatic. The charismatic movement is unsupported by scripture or even heretical.

P.S- The author is a Calvinist but in this article , he will explain why charismatics is a heretical teaching and fellow free will can be a Arminian without being charismatics..

Theological beliefs differ amongst Christians, and this has given rise to many different denominations and movements throughout history. Two of the major theological traditions within Christianity is Calvinist, Arminianism and Charismaticism. While there are similarities between these two [Arminianism and Charismaticism], there are also some key differences that have led some Christians to hold to one belief system over the other.

Arminianism is a theological tradition that emphasizes free will and the concept of conditional election. This means that while God offers salvation to all, it is up to the individual to choose whether or not to accept it. Arminianism also emphasizes the importance of sanctification and the believer's role in their own spiritual growth.

On the other hand, Charismaticism is typically associated with the Charismatic movement in the modern world in 20th century, which emphasized the gifts of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, and other supernatural experiences. This movement placed a strong emphasis on experiential faith and the power of the Holy Spirit [satan] to transform lives.

Some Christians may hold to Arminian beliefs without necessarily embracing the Charismatic movement. In fact, some may view aspects of the Charismatic movement as being unsupported by scripture or even heretical. For example, some may argue that the use of speaking in tongues or other supernatural experiences are not consistent with biblical teaching.

Pastor and theologian John MacArthur is one such critic of the Charismatic movement. In his book 'Strange Fire', MacArthur argues that the Charismatic movement is both unsupported by scripture and promotes unbiblical practices such as sensationalism, emotionalism, and false prophecy. MacArthur further argues that this movement has led to a decline in sound biblical teaching and an unhealthy focus on personal experience over scriptural truth.

Why you askth?

Because Arminianism and Charismaticism are two distinct theological traditions in Christianity.

Arminianism is a theological system developed by Dutch theologian Jacobus Arminius in the 16th century. It teaches that while human beings are predisposed toward sin and are unable to save themselves, God offers salvation to all through Jesus Christ. However, the acceptance of that salvation is dependent on an individual's free will. Arminians believe that human beings have the freedom to either accept or reject God's gift of salvation, and that God's election is conditional based on a person's faith response. Arminians also emphasize the importance of holiness and sanctification, and the believer's responsibility to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in their own spiritual growth.

Charismaticism, on the other hand, is a movement that emerged in the 20th century among various Christian denominations. This movement emphasizes the experiential aspects of faith, particularly the gifts of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, vision, dream, even healing, rising the dead and even personal revelation above the scripture such as Joseph Smith, Muhammad and others. Charismatics believe that God is still active in the world through the Holy Spirit and that spiritual gifts such as healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues are still relevant for believers today. Charismatics believe that these gifts are evidence of the Holy Spirit's presence in a person's life and are given for the edification of the Church.

Based on 2013 book ‘Strange Fire’, The Charismatic teaching and practice is not only unbiblical but also destructive and dangerous to the health of the church such as several problematic areas in Charismaticism, including the handling of Scripture, the focus on personal experience, and the tendency towards emotionalism and hype.

If we look deeply, the Charismatic emphasis on personal experiences and subjective interpretations has led to an unhealthy focus on individual feelings and desires and has blurred the lines between true and false teaching. This, has led to a dangerous form of theological relativism that undermines the authority of Scripture and leaves people open to deception.

This is issue with the emotionalism and hype that contends is prevalent within charismatic teaching and practice. I am very critical of aspects of the movement that seem that the whole holy ghost thing [satanism and paganism] to promote feelings and experiences over sound doctrine, this leads to a kind of spiritual self-indulgence that is not in line with Scripture. Remember feelings can deceive, and that the focus needs to be on the truth of God's revealed Word. The charges that the Charismatic movement fosters a kind of religious ecstasy that is both unhelpful and potentially destructive, drawing believers away from the Word of God and encouraging them to run after ecstatic experiences rather than growing in godliness.

The movement has only served to distort the biblical picture of the Holy Spirit, leading people away from the true work of the Spirit and towards a counterfeit. This many of the so-called miracles and spiritual gifts that are touted by Charismatics are just tricks, fakes, and illusions, used to deceive and control vulnerable people. These types of practices will ultimately lead people astray and breed unbelief, and that the church should take a harder line against false teaching.

One central concern that the Charismatic movement has failed to accurately interpret and apply the Scriptures. A significant problem within the movement is a lack of consistency and careful attention to the text of Scripture, which leads to a kind of theological chaos. There is no agreed-upon biblical interpretation amongst the Charismatics, and different figures tend to pick and choose passages according to their own agendas.

If we want to serve the Lord in Christian world, we need a strong commitment to biblical truth and do  tireless efforts to defend the gospel against all forms of false teaching. While this critiques of the Charismatic movement may be controversial, but this false teaching need to be exposed as we Christians believes that the health and future of the church depend on a return to a more robust and accurate understanding of the truth of Scripture and sound doctrine.

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