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Biblical View of Muhammad ; What actually Muhammad Teach?

He ordered the murder of his opponents

The following are taken from the earliest  biography of Islam’s prophet, written by Ibn Ishaq and published in English as “The Life of  Muhammad.” Here are but a few examples. Muhammad ordered the murder of Fartana and her friend for singing songs of satire aganist him (p. 551).

Another young girl named Sara was trampled to death mercilessly by a mounted soldier dispatched by Muhammad after she insulted him (p. 551). 

Asma bint Marwan was slaughtered by one of Muhammad’s soldiers solicited by him. Her crime: writing poetry that insulted him. She left behind five orphan children. His comment after hearing the deed was done:  “Two goats will not butt their heads together at her passing.” (p. 676)

Muhammad gave thanks to Allah when the head of Abu Jahl was delivered to him. His  crime: mocking Ibn Mas’ud, one of  Muhammad’s early converts to Islam. (p. 304)

Al-Harith b. Sawayd was considered a hypocrite after initially embracing Islam and later rejecting it. For this, Muhammad ordered Umar to kill him if he found an opportunity to do so (p. 384)

Muhammad thought he may have been demon possessed

His initial encounters with the angel Gabriel left Muhammad fearful and shaking. He went into an uncontrollable trance during which Gabriel told him to ‘recite.’ When he replied that he could not recite, Gabriel pressed the breath out of him until he nearly passed out.

Trembling, Muhammad ran home to his wife Khadijah and said, “Woe is me, poet or possessed.” Muhammad thought he had been visited by a demon! In fact, he was so tormented by this thought, three times he sought to throw himself over and try commit suicide. Each time he was stopped by Gabriel who convinced him that he was called by God to be a prophet.

Contrast this visitation with visits by Gabriel we see in the Bible.

- Daniel 8:15-17: Daniel was initially afraid but Gabriel calmed him.

- Daniel 9:21-23: Gabriel tells Daniel he is greatly loved

- Luke 1:13: Gabriel tells Zacharias to not be afraid.

- Luke 1:30: Gabriel tells Mary to not fear for she is chosen of God

It seems that the Gabriel with whom Muhammad had an encounter is not the Gabriel of the Bible. A different Gabriel? An impostor? Satan the Lucifer himself maybe?

He could not discern between revelations from God or Satan

While facing great persecution in Mecca, Muhammad sought for a way to appease the Meccans and ease the burden on his followers. One night he had a vision he thought was from God, in which was revealed: “Have you considered Al-Lat, Al-Uzza, and Manat, the third one; these are high-flying  cranes whose intercession is approved.” This was the original text which comprises Sura 53:19-22 in the Qur’an. (Note: Al-Lat, Al-Uzza and Manat were three pagan gods which the Meccans worshipped.)

Seeing that Muhammad acknowledged their gods also, persecution from the Meccans subsided for a while. That is, until Gabriel appeared to Muhammad and said, “What have you done Muhammad? You have recited to these people something I did not bring from God. Satan gave you those words!” Hence, these verses have come to be known as “The Satanic Verses” because they were inspired by Satan himself.

Problem: If Muhammad could not discern between revelation he thought to be from God and that from Satan, how are we assured of any of his revelations?

Furthermore, according to Deuteronomy 18:20 , Muhammad is a false prophet because he both spoke words God [Yahweh] did not give him and spoke in the name of other gods 'allah'. 

His revelations came at rather convenient times

He had a penchant for receiving “just in time” revelations to absolve him of questionable behavior or rescue him from embarrassing situations. Here are just a few examples.

The Qur’an allows a man to have up to four wives (Sura 4:3) but when Muhammad had more and was questioned, he received a convenient revelation allowing himself alone as many wives as he wanted (Sura 33:50).

Sura 4:3 also requires a man to spend equal time with all his wives. But when Muhammad developed a favorite wife and was criticized by his other wives, he received another revelation absolving him of the equal time rule (Sura 33:51).

When Muhammad was caught sleeping with the slave woman of one wife, he received a convenient revelation allowing him such conduct (Sura 66:1). And another revelation where Allah chastised wives Aisha and Hafsa for criticizing his behavior (Sura 66:3-5).

When he was tricked by Satan to acknowledge pagan gods, he received a convenient message that all prior prophets had done the same thing, so no worries (Sura 22:52).

When caught violating the sacred months when fighting was prohibited, he received divine sanction to break this rule (Sura 2:217)

He had no assurance of his salvation

As the supposed perfect model of behavior for all people (Sura 33:21), one would think Muhammad would qualify for paradise without question. Yet Muhammad had no assurance of his own salvation (Sura 46:9). Herein is a contradiction: If every Muslim is to model his/her life after Muhammad to please Allah, yet Muhammad had no assurance that he would see paradise, what assurance to all other Muslims have? Answer: None!

Why should anyone trust Muhammad Teaching?

Muhammad was just a man; nothing else. He certainly was no prophet according to the Holy Bible: he uttered no predictive prophecy, produced no miracles, didn’t know God’s personal name [YAHWEH], thought he was inspired by Satan on at least one occasion, spoke in the name of other gods and attributed to God words which were not God’s (Deut. 18:20). 

Many of his revelations seemed custom fit for him alone to grant privileges not afforded others. Yes, Muhammad was just a man, unable to offer eternal life to anyone, me, you and even himself. Jesus said, “I am the Way, The Truth, and The Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.” This is one worth following - Lord Jesus Christ - the Yahweh incarnated. 

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