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Japan Fuel Prayer - January 2024 - please pray for japan

Millions of Japanese people visit Shinto shrines over the first few days of the New Year. Many also buy horoscopes and charms for 2024. The Bible tells us “The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” (2 Corinthians 4:4) Please pray that God will open the eyes of Japanese people like never before in 2024!

Japan Field Director

Please continue to pray for the church planting strategy review (CPSR) team, preparing for meetings in March. Pray for God’s leading in setting priorities in 2024, particularly in light of changes in leadership in the Personnel Sector, the Tohoku Sector, the Candidate Coordinator, the Field Director’s Home Assignment, and as we welcome new missionaries.

Finance & Administration

Pray for the process of completing the financial year-end, and for colleagues working on the yearend tax processes (2023). Pray for the Lord’s provision in 2024, and for His protection of OMF Japan finances and the finance team. 

Training & Development Coordinator

Please pray for the OMF Pre-Home Assignment Workshop (PHAW) from 9th-19th January, with four facilitators, two cooks and 13 participants. Pray for rich learning and God’s blessing for all. 

Bunkyōdai Rainbow Church (Sapporo)

Korean Campus Crusade will do outreach in churches and universities from 10th-22nd January. Please pray for the team and the people who will be reached. Please continue to pray for the Yubetsu church plant, and give thanks for God’s provision of a house with a lawn at a reasonable price.

Yaha Bible Network (Tohoku)

Please pray for protection and unity for the team as the previous team leaders return to Japan in January. Please pray for focused prayer and listening, as the team seeks God’s will for 2024. Please pray for team members’ children, as they transition to Japanese schools and homeschooling. Please pray for intentional follow-up with those who came to Christmas events, and that the team will be prayerful, bold and gentle in having gospel conversations with everyone. Please pray for gospel opportunities for one colleague, as she volunteers at an afterschool care and a café.

Taihei Chapel (Sapporo)

Praise the Lord that two newcomers, one seeker and one Christian have begun attending recently. Please pray that the seeker will find faith, and that the Christian will attend regularly and experience more of God’s love.

Member Care Advisor

Please pray for the JEMA (Japan Evangelical Missionary Association) Member Care Book Club during January. Pray that reading and discussing Take Care of Yourself (Pablo Martinez) will be useful to participants, and those they influence.

Japanese Language & Culture Center (JLCC)

Give thanks and pray for a childcare helper arriving this month. Pray for protection from accidents and injuries during the snow. Pray that JLCC will be able to hire two part-time teachers this year. Finally, pray that new missionaries would make (and feel like they are making) progress in language learning throughout 2024.

OMF Serve Japan (short-term program)

Pray for wisdom to determine our capacity to welcome individuals and teams in 2024. Pray for God to bring together a helpful first Kanto Prayer Journey (16th-21st February).

Connect Green Line Community (Yokohama)

Give thanks that two ladies have accepted Jesus Christ as their Saviour. Please pray that they will have assurance of salvation and be filled with the Holy Spirit. JACK Kids’ English camp is from 16th- 19th January in Yamanashi, with 200 mums, kids and missionaries attending. Please pray for good weather and a joyful time, opening the doors to families in Japan.

Hiragishi Izumi Church (Sapporo)

Give thanks to God for many guests at Christmas. May the light of Christ shine in their hearts. Please pray for good holidays for the missionaries this month. Pray too for a men’s outreach on 26th January, for preparations for a big community event on 3rd February, and a church members’ meeting on 4th February. Please continue to pray for the Lord’s provision of funds for a building and general finances.

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