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Japan Prayer Fuel - please pray for japan

The focus is largely asking prayer for the many opportunities that arise at Christmas. Please join with us in praying that many will come to know God’s hope in Christ this Christmas.

Maeda House Church Plant, Sapporo

The Kids Song Circle (KSC) meets on 3rd & 17th December. Pray for God’s power as the team teaches the Christmas story and songs. Pray for message preparation for our Christmas worship on 17th December.

Nagayama Church, Asahikawa

Please pray for preparation for three messages: Youth Christmas (10th December), Kids Christmas (16th December), and Nagayama Church service (31st December).

Church Planting Facilitator

An OMF member heads to Shikoku, (14th – 18th December), to facilitate a Singaporean church which plans to send workers. Pray also for Japan’s homeless community as they battle the cold. May they find strength and salvation in the Lord.

Returnee Ministries, Greater Tokyo

Pray for returnees to join the café on 9th December and the Christmas parties on 19th & 23rd December. Pray that many will hear the gospel and know and trust in Jesus. Pray that returnees will grow in spiritual thirst, and for opportunities to connect with them in the lead up to Christmas.

Member Care Advisor (MCA)

Please pray for the MCA to be filled with the Holy Spirit as they seek to support members online and in-person. Pray for a Zoom presentation about ‘Member Care for Different Generations’ at a gathering for those involved in member care (13th December). Pray for fruit from Gyotoku Church’s Christmas and carolling events in Tokyo.

TCK (Third Culture Kid) Advisor Team

Pray for a good ending to the term for all our kids, and for a blessed time with family over the break. May each family create precious memories together.

Hirosaki Nozomi (Aomori)

Give thanks that the church’s Thanksgiving outreach was well attended. Pray for various Christmas outreach services and activities, especially wreath making and children's plays. Pray for the Serve Asia Coordinator to balance language study with his responsibilities. Pray for other colleagues’ ministry in surrounding churches, especially for witness to the gate ball community. Pray for another colleague’s language study, as well as helping to oversee previews for the Tohoku Internship Programme.

Itayanagi Chapel (Aomori)

Praise the Lord for neighbour, a new believer, who’s started coming to Sunday services. Pray for her to continue seeking God. Praise the Lord that an elderly neighbour’s granddaughter, a student, has begun English conversation. Please pray for her heart to be open to the Gospel. Praise the Lord for unbelieving friends who came to the church’s Thanksgiving service. Pray for church members to experience God’s presence as they pass out Christmas fliers to the community.

YahaBible Network (Iwate)

Pray for God’s protection and that we will continually abide in Christ. Pray for boldness in gospel proclamation and that God will bring people with open hearts to Christmas events. Pray for salvation for one seeker and her family. Pray for the return of a missionary family to the ministry.

OMF Language Learning Hub (Tokyo)

Pray for relationships with teachers at Ichikawa Japanese Academy, and relationships and learning at church. Crossroads (formerly Nishi Kasai Church), is struggling to cover rent. Urayasu Church has a Christmas party on 17th December and a carol service on 24th December. Pray for a restful time off over Christmas and New Year.

Kitami Megumi Church, Hokkaido

Pray for sermons (10th December in Asahikawa Megumi Church and 17th December in Kitami Church), a talk at a ladies’ cell group with seekers (16th December) and the planned Christmas dinner with students on 26th December. Pray for travel to the Tokyo area on 31st December, for vacation and to attend the Pre-Home Assignment Workshop.

Shin Sapporo Bible Church

On 9th December, the team will be helping at church plant, Yuni Oasis’, first Children’s Christmas event. On 16th December the team has the English Club and Sunday school joint Kids’ Christmas event, and our colleagues is preaching on 31st December. Please also pray for staff and helpers as they meet on 13th December to plan for OMF Hokkaido Teens’ fellowship.

Japan Homeside Centre, Tokyo

Please pray for God's leading and help, during preparation for the sermon at the Christmas Eve service at the Chapel of Adoration.

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