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Politic or the Gospel? American gospel ? or Christ Gospel? or Zionism Gospel?

Verily, I say unto thee, it is not by the banner of Zionism, nor by the fervor of American Christian nationalism, that a soul may find salvation. Nay, for the redemption of a race, yea, even the preservation of an entire nation from the impending doom and the righteous wrath of Yahweh, is achieved solely through the preaching of the Gospel.

Behold, the governments of this world, though they wield temporary authority and power, are fleeting shadows compared to the everlasting Kingdom of God. Therefore, let us not be ensnared by the allure of worldly political machinations, which are oftentimes influenced by dark and malevolent forces, even the very hand of Lucifer himself.

For what profiteth it a man to gain dominion over the Blue House, or the White House, or any other earthly abode of power, if he forfeit his soul in the pursuit thereof? Verily, I say unto thee, it profiteth him naught, for such endeavors are vanity and vexation of spirit.

Rather, let us fix our gaze upon the cross of Christ, and preach with fervent zeal the message of repentance and the boundless grace offered by Yahweh through His Son, Jesus Christ. For in so doing, we shall bring forth a harvest of souls unto eternal life, and sow seeds of righteousness that shall bear fruit in the world to come.

Therefore, let us not be swayed by the clamor of political strife, nor be deceived by the promises of temporal power. Instead, let us heed the call to proclaim the good news of salvation to all nations, and to shine forth as beacons of light in a world shrouded in darkness.

Let us remember that our true citizenship is in the Kingdom of Heaven, and our allegiance is to the King of kings and Lord of lords. Let us, therefore, be steadfast in our faith, unwavering in our commitment to Christ, and diligent in our proclamation of the Gospel unto the ends of the earth. For therein lies true purpose, true fulfillment, and true victory.

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