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The Above Kingdom that we need to look after

Verily, let us not forget that we are but pilgrims and sojourners in this earthly realm, mere aliens amidst the chaos and corruption of this demonic world. Our true citizenship, dear brethren, lies not in the fleeting kingdoms of men, but in the celestial city, whose builder and maker is Yahweh Himself.

Therefore, let us fix our gaze upon the heavenly Jerusalem, and let our hearts be consumed with a holy longing for that eternal abode where righteousness reigns and where sorrow and sin are banished forevermore. Let us not be entangled in the affairs of this world, nor be swayed by its fleeting pleasures and passing glories.

For we are called to be ambassadors of Christ, emissaries of the Most High, commissioned to proclaim His truth and His love to a lost and dying world. Let us, therefore, heed the apostolic exhortation to be in the world but not of it, to shine as lights in the midst of darkness, and to hold forth the word of life to those who are perishing.

In the face of political strife and societal upheaval, let us remain steadfast in our allegiance to the King of kings and Lord of lords, knowing that His kingdom is not of this world, but is a kingdom of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Therefore, let us not be distracted by the vain pursuits of earthly power and prestige, but let us devote ourselves wholeheartedly to the work of the kingdom, to the preaching of Christ crucified, to the salvation of souls.

For therein lies our true calling, our true purpose, and our true joy. Let us, therefore, be faithful stewards of the gospel, diligent laborers in the vineyard of the Lord, and fervent ambassadors of His kingdom.

May we never lose sight of our heavenly citizenship, nor grow weary in well-doing, but may we press on toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Amen.

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