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I thought its April Jokes but happening in real time in real life!

The dawn of April, typically a time heralding the freshness of spring, has paradoxically ushered in a season of trials for me, each more trying than the last.

Initially, the month revealed its first challenge through a personal health ordeal—a new and unexpected illness diagnosis. Such news, as you might imagine, casts a lengthy shadow, particularly at its onset, altering the landscape of one's daily routines and future plans. As I was grappling with this reality, endeavoring to adjust my sails to the stormy winds of health concerns, fate, it seems, was not yet content with the extent of my trials.

In an almost theatrical display of misfortune,  reminiscent of the proverb "Already fallen, then hit by a ladder," .... my technological ventures too decided to desert me. Google, the titan of the tech world, abruptly shut down and banned my application. This app, as you are aware, was not merely a business endeavor but a passion project that consumed countless hours of my creativity and hard work to educate. The reasons for this drastic action remain ensconced in corporate labyrinths, leaving me to navigate the maze of recovery without much guidance.

As if to add a final flourish to this already distressing sequence, I found myself inexplicably locked out of my Facebook page. This loss severed my connection with a community I value deeply....

It is often said that misfortune does not come singly, and my experiences this April have certainly served to underscore the truth of this adage. Yet, despite the onslaught of setbacks, I am endeavoring to find footing amidst these upheavals, clinging to the hope of eventual resolution and recovery.

Also Meta banned my blog / website so, I am no longer able to share my blog website here ! 

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