Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy Generator Update cookies preferences Update cookies preferences TikTok Bytedance Douyin Read people mind and peep their phone even not during using tiktok application. This is dangerous ! Stop using Douyin / TikTok now!

TikTok Bytedance Douyin Read people mind and peep their phone even not during using tiktok application. This is dangerous ! Stop using Douyin / TikTok now!

Yo, TikTok fam, let me tell you something. I never thought an app could change my life the way TikTok has. It's become more than just a source of entertainment for me; it's become a lifeline. From dance videos to academic content, there is something for everyone on this app. But what really sets TikTok apart is its algorithm. It's not just on point, it's freakishly accurate. Kind of scary!

Let me share how TikTok is like the organization that should not be named... I'll be searching for a particular person, and even if I make a typo or write their name in English instead of Korean, TikTok somehow knows exactly what I'm looking for. It's like it can read my mind. And the results are always spot on. It's like Google, but on steroids [ :P ]. I never thought an app could know me so well.

Recently, I was on the hunt for a 500 people that I well known when I first started using tiktoki on 2020 and I made a new account and I start follow them again and when comes to chinese, japanese or korean or russian names it reaaly impossibe to search but when I seek a sister named 다람, and TikTok not only found her for me, but also gave me her exact account name: Ms. 다람. But when I tried to search for her using other search engines like DuckDuckGo or Google, I got results like "daramdaram" or "Mr. Dirham Singth" or even "Daram slime". It's like other search engines can't keep up with TikTok's awesomeness. I know, some people may think whhhy I even search for Ms 다람? didnt I say I search for 500 on tiktok? This is just an example.!

TikTok has seriously revolutionized the way we discover and consume content. It's like the app knows us better than we know ourselves. I don't even have to search for things anymore; the algorithm just presents me with stuff I didn't even know that I wanted to see. It's like having a personal assistant who knows your preferences better than you do.

In a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, TikTok stands out as a beacon of personalized content. It's the ultimate escape from the noise and chaos of everyday life. Now the questions remains, is this a good thing or an invasion of privacy? Does this worries you ? if you know so, will you still using tiktok or stop using it and rely on youtube instead? 

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