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Why would we suffer? why life so unfair, why there is so many evil in the world?

Indubitably, no human being is genuinely righteous or innocent, for the Holy Bible unequivocally asserts that all individuals have sinned (Rom. 3:23), and according to divine justice, each sinner deserves eternal punishment. Alas, this is the breathtaking magnificence of God's grace!

Nonetheless, regarding this truth, one must acknowledge that within a relative human scale, there exist upright and pure-hearted individuals. That is to say, some people are more moral and virtuous than others, and some are more innocent. Let us consider, for instance, someone who endeavors to adhere to the Golden Rule or another who generously gives to the destitute. Besides, the majority of individuals deem small children as possessing a naive and guileless nature. Hence, this inquiry could be formulated as follows: "For what reason do little children and individuals who live exemplary lives endure suffering?"

This question uncovers the presupposition that there is an explicit link between righteousness and innocence, on the one hand, and a life that is free of agony, on the other hand. While there might exist a connection, it is not straightforward. To be sure, sin ultimately results in suffering, but suffering is not always an infallible indication of sin. Job's acquaintances were unable to grasp this concept since, for them, an individual's suffering was perpetually an outcome, whose sole cause could be attributed to that person's sin.

The righteous and the innocent indeed experience agony for various reasons: 

1) Sometimes, virtuous actions in a sinful world necessitate suffering, such as in the case of a righteous person who sacrifices their life for another; 

2) At times, the sins of others embroil the righteous in suffering, as when a child may be gravely wounded as a result of their parent's actions; 

3) The virtuous and innocent are not immune to the vexations that arise from living in an imperfect and sinful world, such as toothaches and smashed fingers; and 

4) Individuals may sometimes suffer for no explicit reason that is easily discernible. In this sense, Job is a perfect exemplar of the latter experience.

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